Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day 43- Greta Marie

This post is way overdue, but it happened when I was in Wisconsin and I just kept forgetting to blog about it.

I have a new niece!!!!!!!!

Greta Marie Frey was born on Monday, March 22nd to my brother and sister-in-law, David and Heidi. Isn't she beautiful? And she shares the same name as my best friend! I can't wait to meet you sweet baby girl!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Monday, March 29, 2010

Day 41- First time eating solids

Another new milestone for Anna today! She had solids for the first time! Here is her first taste of rice cereal.

I think she liked it. :)

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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day 40- Palm Sunday

Today is the first day of my favorite week of the church year, Holy Week. Today, Palm Sunday, the children in our church carried palms and laid them at the foot of the altar at the beginning of the service. I can't even imagine what that day was like for Christ, knowing that all these people that were shouting thier praises to him would later on betray him. Thank God that he is merciful and loving, and forgives me when I do the same thing. I pray that God blesses you this week as you study Jesus' passion and ressurection!

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Day 39- DVR

DVR is a great when you are stuck on the couch, and missed a lot of your favorite shows while traveling. I spent all day catching up from last week. What did I ever do without my DVR?? What's a VHS? :)

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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Day 38- Mr. Mom

The past couple of days Dan has been playing the role of "Mr. Mom", and doing a great job!

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Day 37- Modern Medicine

No picture today, but I think I had a good reason. I got my gallbladder out. Ever since I've had Anna, I've been having some horrible back spasms. They always would come in the middle of the night. Nothing would help the pain, and I would just have to wait it out. At first they were about an hour long, but they had progressively gotten longer and stronger. I went to a chiropractor, went through their rehab program, thinking it was a result of the extra weight of pregnancy, and carrying a baby around. Still, I was having problems. I had an MRI and X-rays of my back. They revealed only some mild degeneration. As time went on, I was also having some abdominal pain along with the back pain. Finally, after having a spasm that lasted over 7 hours and caused me to get sick, I decided I needed to see a doctor. I had an ultrasound done to show that I had gallstones! I was very relieved to FINALLY have an answer to what had been causing me soo much pain. I wasn't thrilled about having surgery, but I knew that it would be good in the long run. So, today they took it out. Thankfully, the Lord has provided us with smart doctors and modern medicine. They were able to take it out laproscopically (sp?), making only 4 small incisions. The last thing I remember was being wheeled into the OR. I was actually shocked when I woke up and found out they were done. I apologized for falling asleep and nurse told me I just had surgery! The surgeon told Dan that my gallbladder was more infected than they initially thought, so it was a good thing that I had it removed. They think that I actually started developing stones early in my pregnancy. I actually have pictures from the surgery, but I don't think anyone (besides my dad) would like to see that. :P

I'm feeling ok. I've got some strong pain medication and Dan is taking good care of me. It may be a few days till I get some more pictures up. I'm just soo thankful and amazed at how God has taken care of me and continues to do so!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 30-36 - A great trip

This past week, Anna and I took a trip to Wisconsin. This was Anna's first trip to "God's country" :). We had a great time there were many great moments. Here is a brief summary of the last 7 days.

Meeting Great-Grandma Berg

Hugs from niece Chloe

Visiting with cousin Benjamin

Meeting Josie Woldt

Meeting special friends from Fond du Lac.


Mr. Westphal


Catching up with old friends and meeting their babies over a yummy coffee drink.

Starting friendships (or relationships ;) )

Sweet, sweet Josie.

Having all our kids together!

Meeting Carsyn Krause

Having fun together.

Having such GREAT travelers!!

Coming home to daddy!

Thank you God for a safe and fun trip!!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 29- Welcome to Wisconsin!

So it's ANOTHER picture I didn't take. Sorry, but I'm going to see this lovely sign (if it's not too dark) tomorrow!!! My friend Jess and I are road tripping (with our two kiddos) to Wisconsin tomorrow. We are going to visit our friend Jackie and meet the newest little hootie, Josie. We also will be seeing other friends and family along the way. I'm super excited. I love going to Wisconsin. We are praying for safe and uneventful travels!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 28- Spraypaint

I've found a new love. It's called spray paint. I know, I know, nothing new and doesn't sound too spectacular. BUT... it turned these UGLY 99 cent owls from Goodwill into quite chic (if I do say so myself) decor for my bathroom. I've been spray painting cheap-o frames too, for all my pics of Anna. I'm sure I'll have some pics of those soon!

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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day 27- Spring robins

Ok, I didn't take this picture. I got on google. I tried to take a picture of the robins that were outside my window, but they just wouldn't sit still enough for me to get a good shot. I figured it wouldn't matter, 'cause to me, one robin looks just like the next. Anyhoo... I'm thankful every time I see robins in the spring. It's just a nice reminder that the cold winter is coming to a close and warmer temps are on the way!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 26- Relaxing night

Dan was gone tonight at the BIG 12 conference championship basketball game, so after putting Anna to bed, it was time for a glass of wine, chocolate, and a good book by my favorite author. A nice Saturday night. Too bad I lose that hour of sleep tomorrow....

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Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 25- 5 months with Anna

Happy 5 month birthday to my baby girl!!

It's hard to believe that 5 months have gone by since you came into our world.

We love you and can't imagine our lives without you now!

How fast will the next 5 months go?? Slow down Anna!!

Don't you just love her in blue? It brings out those huge baby blue eyes.