Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 221- Countdown

Is it too soon to start a countdown??

Actually, this pregnancy has gone pretty fast already. I also don't mind time going a little slow. Not too sure I'm ready for two kids yet!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 220- Fun at the park

Today the weather was gorgeous, so Dan and I took Anna to a nearby park. Something has happened in the last three weeks that makes her terrified of the baby swings. She LOVED them when we were in Wisconsin. Today, she wanted nothing to do with them. So she swung with us for a little bit and then had fun exploring the other parts of the park.

Day 219- Fall forcast

Check out this forcast. Fall has FINALLY arrived in Missouri! Doesn't get much better than this! :)

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Day 218- 16 Weeks

16 Weeks

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Day 217- Mom's favorite

This is my favorite shirt of Anna's right now. A perfect outfit for fall!

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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 216- Fun with Dad

Day 216- Happy fall!

Happy fall! I actually put up our fall decorations today.

It was bit more challenging this year, since everything has to be out of Anna's reach.

We've even been blessed with some fall-like days in the 70s! I love fall!!

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Day 215- Hoot, hoot

"Hoot, hoot, I'm cute!"

(It's getting harder to capture good pictures of this walking girl!)
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Day 214- Her favorite things

Anna has a ton of great toys, but here are a few of her favorite things to play with: DVD cases, links, paper towel roll, a tube of diaper cream, junk mail, the remote, and any of mom's magazines.

Not picture: mom's cell phone, mom's camera, and pretty much anything she shouldn't have. ;)
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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 213- Shopping Buddy

Mommy's favorite shopping partner!

I would love shopping with her even more, if I didn't have to buckle and unbuckle in and out of the carseat everytime we want to go somewhere else! :)
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Day 212- 15 weeks

15 Weeks

I had a doctor's appointment today and everything continues to go well!
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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 211- Baby Steps!

This past week, Anna has started to take a few steps here and there. This weekend she really has been brave and has stood by herself for at least 20 seconds and the number of steps she can take in a row is getting longer. She gets soo excited... it's too cute! Makes me a little nervous that she going to face plant into our coffee table, but I guess that's just all a part of the whole experience!

Day 210- Redbox

One of our favorite things to do on a Friday night is get a $1 movie from the Redbox down the street.

Last night we rented Date Night. Both Dan and I thought it was really funny. Of course Steve Carell and Tina Fey are favorites of ours. It had been a while since we saw a movie that we both liked. :)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 209- Baby socks

These are the best baby socks ever. The only ones that stay on Anna's feet. We had a fall-like day... highs in the low 70s, and I realized I only have a few pairs that still fit Anna. It was off to Kohls to get some bigger ones for the winter!

Day 208- Watching Daddy

Like I mentioned earlier, Anna LOVES to stand and look out our front windows, especially if Daddy is outside.

She watches him walk to and from church, waving and yelling "dada" the whole time.

Tonight she stood here forever, watching him mow the lawn. :)
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Day 207- Ready for winter!

I recently found Anna her winter coat. It is a Baby Gap coat and I got it at a resale store for a great deal. It's too big, but I never saw a coat smaller than 12 months. At least this will last us through the winter... and maybe even next. :)

Anna seems to like it!

I also like that the "fur" is removable. Not sure if I want to keep that on or not. ;)

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Day 206- New sidewalk

One of Anna's favorite things to do is look out our front windows. I think they are just the right height for her. There were workers replacing parts of our sidewalk today. Anna stood by the window and watched them work for a long time. I'm very thankful for a better sidewalk! It was soo bad, I would walk with the stroller in the road instead!

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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Day 205- Go Pack Go!

Today, I got to watch the Packers beat the Eagles in the comfort of my home. This doesn't happen every week down here in Missouri, so I love whenever we get the games on TV!

Go Pack Go!!

Day 204- Where were you?

You've probably thought about where you were nine years ago today, when you first heard about the World Trade Centers. I know I've been thinking about it a lot. I was a sophomore at MLC. It was the beginning of second hour, and I was waiting in the LSC with the rest of my phy-ed class. We were doing a soccer unit, so we took a mini-bus over to the soccer fields a few blocks away. We were waiting for our teacher and the bus to arrive. A classmate of mine came into the LSC and asked if we heard what had happened. I had a first hour class as well, so I knew nothing. He said he thought we got bombed or something. I was a little shocked, but since there were soo few details, and no one really knew what was happening, I admit, I didn't think too much about it. I went through 2nd hour, not knowing what really was going on at that time. When I arrived at my room after class, I turned on the TV and was shocked to see the two burning buildings. It wasn't too long before the first tower fell. All day, there was a very somber mood at MLC. Everyone was talking about who was behind the attacks, what they had heard, what they thought was going to happen. I remember feeling very sad for the families that were affected, but not afraid. I had never once doubted that I would be safe here in America. I still feel that way today. I know what a huge blessing it is to live in our country. I'm mostly grateful for the blessing of being able to worship my God without fear. I remember wanting to do something to help, but what could I do? I knew that I could pray for everyone involved and for our country and our leaders, and I still do today. We certainly saw the devil's work at hand on 9/11, but we more importantly saw God's hand. We know that everything that happens to us, is for our good. Without that faith, there could be little comfort in such a terrible tragedy. Thankfully, God has given me that faith. I can trust in in him and not be afraid. 

Day 203- Just a diaper

The morning started out chilly, and we had our window open. Anna was in jeans and a long sleeved onsies. As the day wore on, the sun came out, and it started getting toasty. Me, being stubborn, did not want to close up the windows and turn on the air. Anna started to get a little sweaty, so instead of putting her in a new outfit, I figured she could just go with a diaper for a while. :) 

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 202- A Taste of Fall

Today, the windows were open and there was a cool breeze blowing in all day. It was a little taste of fall. I know we still have warm days ahead, but it was nice to know that fall is right around the corner!

Day 201- Slurping Spaghetti

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 194-200

Anna and I went on another adventure. This time we flew to Wisconsin for my 10 year high school reunion. 

Here is Anna waiting to board the plane in Kansas City. She waving to all the workers outside. They were all smiling and waving back. :)

The first night we spent at my brother-in-law and sister-in-laws' house in Mequon. Anna got to spend some time with her cousins, William and Greta.

We walked to a nearby park where Anna absolutely LOVED the swings!

Then Anna got to FINALLY meet Great Grandpa and Great Grandma Malchow.

Saturday, we walked a 5K at the Annual Capt. Derek Dobagai Memorial Run/Walk. Derek was a year ahead of me at WLA. He was killed when his Blackhawk Helicopter crashed in Iraq in 2007. Anna loved playing on the bleachers at WLA.

A Blackhawk helicopter landed on the football field. We were able to get a close look and watch it take off.

The Westphals were gracious enough to let us stay at their house, even when they weren't there! One of Anna's favorite things to do was playing in the tupperware drawer.

I was soo busy visiting at my reunion, I forgot to take any pictures!! 

Sunday night, I was able to spend some time with some of my best friends. It's soo good to see them and laugh and catch up. God had truly blessed me with wonderful friends!!

It was great weekend, but we are happy to be home. Anna always misses her daddy very much, and vice versa. We are thankful for another fun trip!