Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day 364- A big girl room

This room has been a LONG work in progress. I painted it back in May. Anna moved in shortly after, and that's pretty much where it stopped. I finally go the ball rolling again and with the help of my dad, I was able to finish it! My dad really help me a lot (pretty much did it himself) with these awesome shelves for Anna's books. Anna LOVES to read and all her books were taking over our living room! It's soo nice to have them out of there and they also look great against her wall!

I painted the tree based off a picture I had seen on the internet. I also used fabric for the circle. A little mixture of water and cornstarch and you have yourself your DIY wall decals! A member had given us that kitchen because her kids were done playing with it. It was pink, so I covered it with red spray paint to match and it's as good as new!

My dad built these great shelves for all of Anna's toys. I covered an old memo board that I had with matching fabric and ribbon and also covered the lamp shade in fabric.

I got some cardboard letters spelling out Anna's name and covered them in the same fabric. Thankfully her name is short, so it was cheap!

My dad also built some book shelves for about Anna's bed. She likes to read in her bed when she wakes up in the morning. 

The curtains were easy to make using stitch witchery, 'cause I don't sew!! :) 

Of course we had to have her favorite, Mickey Mouse. Luckily I had this poster laying around. 

Overall, I'm really happy with the way it turned out, even if it did take months!!! I think Anna likes it, too. :)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day 363- Birth day signs

Pinterest, again!!

Here's the latest, oh so cheap project that I did for the girl's rooms.

I saw this online and knew I could do that myself on the computer. A little messing around on Microsoft Publisher, and viola!

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Day 362- Anna Ruth is Two!

I can't help but get teary-eyed as I write this post. Part of it is sleep deprivation but mostly, it's an overwhelming feeling of blessings that one little girl has brought to my life. 

2 year ago, we met this sweet little face. 

She had Daddy's heart from the start. 

Had a perfectly round head, thanks to a c-section.

Felt right at home on Mom's chest. 

Was cute from day one. 

Filled our house with love from the moment we brought her home.

Happy birthday to my Big TWO year old, Anna Ruth!!!
We Love you!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Day 361- Another Pinterest project

It's another Pinterest project! I've been busy, busy, busy, trying to get things ready for Anna's birthday next week and my best friend's bridal shower in Wisconsin in a week and half. There were soo many great ideas for Anna on Pinterest and this was one of my favorites. Cheap, easy, and CUTE! I scored the tote bag on clearance at Hobby Lobby and then picked up some fabric and fabric glue. The Mickey head template was from a Disney website. Anna is going to LOVE her Mickey bag!!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 359- Mickey hats

I've already shown one of my Pinterest finds here. Thought I'd share another. There are some other recipes that I've tried, but haven't documented like this one (SOO good) and this one. But I've also done more than food. Here are a couple of Mickey hats that I actually found online and repinned.

Because of Anna's obsession with Mickey, I knew I had to make a hat for her. I'm pretty pleased with how they turned out. Rachel  has challenged herself to do one of the things she has pinned on Pinterest a week. Not sure if I'll be able to keep up with that, but I'll try!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Day 358- 10 Years

Today, like so many Americans, my heart has been in New York. Though I have never been there personally, the events that happened there ten years ago will never be erased from my memory. It's hard to believe that it has already been 10 years. So much in my life has changed, but there is definitely one thing that has not. My God has continued to give me peace and comfort. Not only about the events that happened on 9/11/01, but also the many difficulties I've faced since then. I read what I wrote last year on this date, and my thoughts have not changed, so I decided I would copy and paste. 

"You've probably thought about where you were nine years ago today, when you first heard about the World Trade Centers. I know I've been thinking about it a lot. I was a sophomore at MLC. It was the beginning of second hour, and I was waiting in the LSC with the rest of my phy-ed class. We were doing a soccer unit, so we took a mini-bus over to the soccer fields a few blocks away. We were waiting for our teacher and the bus to arrive. A classmate of mine came into the LSC and asked if we heard what had happened. I had a first hour class as well, so I knew nothing. He said he thought we got bombed or something. I was a little shocked, but since there were soo few details, and no one really knew what was happening, I admit, I didn't think too much about it. I went through 2nd hour, not knowing what really was going on at that time. When I arrived at my room after class, I turned on the TV and was shocked to see the two burning buildings. It wasn't too long before the first tower fell. All day, there was a very somber mood at MLC. Everyone was talking about who was behind the attacks, what they had heard, what they thought was going to happen. I remember feeling very sad for the families that were affected, but not afraid. I had never once doubted that I would be safe here in America. I still feel that way today. I know what a huge blessing it is to live in our country. I'm mostly grateful for the blessing of being able to worship my God without fear. I remember wanting to do something to help, but what could I do? I knew that I could pray for everyone involved and for our country and our leaders, and I still do today. We certainly saw the devil's work at hand on 9/11, but we more importantly saw God's hand. We know that everything that happens to us, is for our good. Without that faith, there could be little comfort in such a terrible tragedy. Thankfully, God has given me that faith. I can trust in in him and not be afraid."

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day 357- My goodness, My Guinness Pudding!

My Goodness, My Guinness... Pudding!!

I saw this recipe on Pinterest and knew I had to try it out. Guinness is Dan's favorite beer, so we always have it on hand. It is YUMMY. Dan really likes it as well. I think it has become a new favorite around here.

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Monday, August 15, 2011

Day 356- Videos

Just a couple videos of the girls.

Here's Molly, loving her exer-saucer!

And the girls enjoying their first bath together. Anna thought it was hilarious when Molly kicked her legs.

Day 355- California Adventure!

I know it's been a LONG time since I've written. Like over a month. I could give you a tons of excuses and reasons why, but no one like excuses, so I'll just say I'm sorry and move on! :)

Get ready for a TON of pictures!! 

These are all pictures from our trip to California last month. We went out for my brother-in-law's Ordination/installation into the ministry.

Here is Dan and the girls getting ready to take flight!
(of course Anna had to put the seat belt in her mouth. She is STILL in that stage)

The first thing we did was go to the San Diego Zoo with Dan's family. What a beautiful zoo!!

Here's Anna checking out her favorite animal.... ducks of all things. :)

We saw some amazing animals. I loved this momma hippo and her baby.

They had a HUGE elephant area.

Anna had a lot of fun playing with Grandma and her cousins.

We spent a couple days at the beach.

Anna is testing out the waters.

She had fun running in and out of the "waves"... until she fell in the water and then she was done. 

Molly liked the water, too. 

You have to have a cousins bath picture! (I'm sure they will love this when they are grown.)

Here's Uncle Matt and Aunt Melissa with their nieces and nephews.

Molly with Great-Grandma Shellenbarger.

Anna tripped and her cheek met a tile step. She had a nice shiner for about a week. 

This is our second day at the beach. This time we went to a beach with big waves. I loved rolling and diving in the water. Molly is quite the beach babe. :)

The family at Laguna Beach.

Cousin Greta and Anna had matching shirts. 

We drove by my former church and school, King of Kings, Garden Grove. I was born in California and went here until we moved when I was six years old. I wanted to see if it matched my 6-year old memory. It was pretty close!

We even made it to Disneyland!!!! Here are the girls in their Minnie outfits, ready to go!

It was such a fun day, but I think the best part was meeting Mickey Mouse. Anna's face was priceless. 

We got to meet Minnie as well! I think Anna was star-struck!

Even Molly loved Disney! 

Anna LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the parade. So much so, we saw it twice. Here she is, watching Mickey come down the road. 

She also got very excited when she saw Donald Duck.
This the church my brother-in-law, David, is serving.

Here are my brother-in-law, Matt, my brother-in-law, David, Dan, and my father-in-law at David's ordination. 

Overall, it was great vacation. We can't wait to go back and visit again!