This room has been a LONG work in progress. I painted it back in May. Anna moved in shortly after, and that's pretty much where it stopped. I finally go the ball rolling again and with the help of my dad, I was able to finish it! My dad really help me a lot (pretty much did it himself) with these awesome shelves for Anna's books. Anna LOVES to read and all her books were taking over our living room! It's soo nice to have them out of there and they also look great against her wall!
I painted the tree based off a picture I had seen on the internet. I also used fabric for the circle. A little mixture of water and cornstarch and you have yourself your DIY wall decals! A member had given us that kitchen because her kids were done playing with it. It was pink, so I covered it with red spray paint to match and it's as good as new!
My dad built these great shelves for all of Anna's toys. I covered an old memo board that I had with matching fabric and ribbon and also covered the lamp shade in fabric.
I got some cardboard letters spelling out Anna's name and covered them in the same fabric. Thankfully her name is short, so it was cheap!
My dad also built some book shelves for about Anna's bed. She likes to read in her bed when she wakes up in the morning.
The curtains were easy to make using stitch witchery, 'cause I don't sew!! :)
Of course we had to have her favorite, Mickey Mouse. Luckily I had this poster laying around.
Overall, I'm really happy with the way it turned out, even if it did take months!!! I think Anna likes it, too. :)