Saturday, January 26, 2013

Happy Saturday!

Happy Saturday from the Frey girls!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Winter in Missouri

Winter in Missouri has been up and down. The only thing that has been consistent is the lack of precipitation. We are still in a severe drought. It seems that every storm seems to pass to the north or south of us. The temps have been a roller coaster. Yesterday, it was 18. Today in the mid 40s. We don't complain about either... anything is better than 110 degrees and humid in my opinion. The warmer days have given us a chance to get outside and get some fresh air. We are still wishing for a good snow storm. I know Anna is just itching to play in the snow and build a good snowman. Maybe next month... 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Aaron Got Married

On December 28th, Dan and I dropped off Anna and Molly off at a members house and drove 5 1/2 hours across the state of Missouri (it's a wide state!) to Cape Girardeau. We were going to the wedding of Aaron and Katie. It was beautiful wedding and they are a wonderful couple.

I've known Aaron since he joined our class in the third grade. We've been friends ever since. 

I have a special group of friends that I like to call the Faith group. Not because we all share the same faith, we do, but because we all attended Faith Lutheran School. We've all gone our separate ways, especially since high school. Some of us are now teachers, doctors, news directors, moms, dads. And now we are all spouses. Not all of use were able to be there that night, but the four boys were. Aaron's three best friends stood next to him as he said "I do."

I can vividly remember these boys messing around at the lunch table in grade school, playing hours and hours of video games and making up stories while giggling like little girls.

Some things never change, like the video games and making up stories, but now here they all are, grown men, with their own wives and families. 

I was soo happy to be able to be there. To see these friends that I don't see nearly enough. To be with Aaron on one of his most important days. To know that time and distance won't break our friendships.

Our girls were well taken care of, and Dan and I could enjoy each other's company, good food, and friends. It was a great way to end the year. 

Congratulations to the happy couple. God's blessings, Aaron and Katie!


I would have loved to put up more photos, especially from the good ol' days, but my main computer is on the fritz. (I need to use a hair dryer to warm up the monitor to get it to work) So... thankfully, I had these pictures on FB and was able to pull them off of there using Dan's laptop. This is also why the blogging has been lacking of late. Hopefully, I can get things in better working order soon!