Once again, I'm stealing my husbands words. After last nights election, there are many things that I could say, but I think what Dan said is just what I needed to hear. Here's a portion of his weekly email to our congregation.
"As many of you know, I'm not that big into politics at all. Now don't get me wrong. I treasure my right as an American to vote. I spent a good portion of Monday night and Tuesday morning reading about all the stuff I was voting for (not just presidental or Congress) so that I could be an informed voter on all issues. I am very thankful I live in a country that can have 100 million people vote without incident, without armed guards at every polling location. No other country is like that. But the reason I don't get into politics that much is because of trust in God. I know that whoever is elected is God's choice to be his representative. God used my vote and the vote of the rest of the people in this nation to put the right man in charge, whether he is the man I voted for or not.
Listen to the familiar words of Romans 13:1, which are probably quoted a lot right now by Christians and should be. Paul says, "Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God."
That is a pretty clear passage. Twice we hear that God establishes all earthly authority. Twice we are reminded that God puts kings and presidents in charge of their countries. Twice we are reminded that our governing representatives are agents of God, used by God to acheive his purpose on earth. So, regardless of how you voted, I hope and pray that you all can say, "Thank God that President Obama was reelected." Not because you voted for him or didn't vote for him. Not because you think that his policies will get this country on its feet and protect this country from an attack or that his policies will drive this country into the ground and open us up for an attack. But I hope you say "Thank God that President Obama was reelected" because you realize that God placed President Obama in charge of this country for four more years so that God's will in this country will be done, whatever his good and gracious will for this country is.
If you need proof of God works through the governing authorities, just look in the Scriptures. We can use many examples in the Old Testament of how God used both good kings and bad kings to achieve his purpose. We can see many examples, where God worked marvelous blessings through kings, who recognized him as the one true God and kings, who didn't recognize him as the one true God. In fact, those of you, who have been in the Bible Class on the book of Judges have seen that first hand. Most notably, we can think of how God used a governor, named Pontius Pilate to sentence his Son to death so that we could all be saved.
So on this day after the election, the Christian is content. The Christian is thankful. The Christian praises God. The Christian knows that God is in charge. The Christian knows that God's will was done. The Christian knows that God will work through our President, Congress, governors and local official to bless us, as he has done throughout this country and throughout the history of the world."